Lot Screening

Companies that manufacture, purchase, or otherwise handle large quantities of the same microelectronic part or device often perform Lot Screening to ensure that quality and reliability are consistent across each lot. AcousTech facilitates such screening. We do so primarily with our C-SAM® and X-Ray inspection techniques.

All industries rely on Lot Screening to one degree or another. The industries we serve – particularly the military, aerospace concerns, other test labs, and brokers – find it a useful tool in preventing the failure of end products in which microelectronics figure.

While Lot Screening is performed for every type of microelectronic part or device, it’s most typically done for PEMs and capacitors.

Our C-SAM® process is especially beneficial in microelectronic Lot Screening, given its nondestructive nature and its ability to ferret out internal defects efficiently and effectively. The standards that apply to this process are… 

X-Ray inspection also can be useful in Lot Screening. Like C-SAM®, it too excels in finding internal defects. But it further provides an inexpensive way to discover wire bonding differences, die or paddle differences, extraneous material, and excess die-attach material. The standards for X-Ray screening are… 

Our Lot Screening services also entail providing you with… 

  • a quick turnaround,
  • a detailed yet concise pass/fail report that notes all defects discovered,
  • a certificate of conformance, and
  • a CD that includes all images taken during the tests and/or the original X-Ray films. 

Beyond that, we offer you the same professional collaboration and competitive pricing that complete the benefits of partnership we extend to every AcousTech client.

Questions? Contact AcousTech. We’ll be happy to explain more about how our services can contribute to any Lot Screening you need performed. And when you’re ready, be sure to Request a Quote.

C-SAM® is a registered trademark of Sonoscan, Inc.